

Vice President's 2024-2025 Challenge - Dont Hate Me

I hope you will enjoy this year's VP Challenge and give at least one a try.  For ease, the monthly prompts are at the top for quick reference and more details about the challenge are below.

Colours used so far:

Inspiration for this year's challenge comes from two places:

(1) The "Make it Modern" segment in the 2016-2017 season of the guild.
(2) The February 2024 Block Lotto featuring the colour BROWN.

In the "Make it Modern" segment, a block was featured along with a "modern" take on that block.  Below are examples I found online for a Four Patch and a Crossroads block (I'm sure your Googling skills are better than mine, but hopefully you get the gist 😉).  The left block is the "traditional" version and the right block is the "modern" version with the "modern elements" to the right of that.  

Do you think I got the "modern elements" right?  Do you see others we should add?  Let me know at

The February 2024 Block Lotto was the number "10" featuring BROWN as the background.  Mary chose this colour to get out of her (and our) comfort zone.  We all loved our "10" blocks and the wild colours that we came up with.  Thanks, Mary!

Want to see how we made these?  Find the instructions here.

That brings us to the overall theme for this challenge:



VP Challenge, Part 1

There will be a traditional block prompt.  Make 1 traditional block and then make one or more modern takes on that block.  The idea is that we will build our basic sewing skills, like those pesky 1/4" seams or HSTs, and build further on those skills over the months with more complicated blocks.  The twist is that YOU will need to come up with a way to make the block modern.  I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!

Here are some examples of traditional blocks.  Are there any you haven't made before?

*These blocks may or may not be one of the prompts😉

VP Challenge, Part 2

There will be a colour prompt, but not using your favourite colours, that's too easy!  We are going to try and take you way outside your comfort zone and use unpopular colours.  You might even think some of these unpopular colours are a-okay, but, your fellow OTTMQG friend may not.  Let's encourage each other to try out these colours, love 'em or hate 'em.  You never know, you might even end up finding your new favourite colour.

So how does this work? Part 1

  1. Using the month’s prompt, create one traditional block and as many modern takes on that block as you like using the colour prompts provided.
  2. Blocks can be any size you like, even if it’s “off” from what you intended #nopressure.
  3. You can add other colours to the blocks, as long as the colour prompts are used as well.
  4. Use as much or as little of the colour prompts as you like.
  5. You can use solids or prints.
    • If you tend towards solids, throw in a print.
    • If you tend towards prints, throw in a solid.

So how does this work? Part 2

  1. Each month we will introduce a new block and new colours.
  2. Prompts will be posted on the blog the day after the monthly event (check out when we have our monthly events here), on the Challenges tab right here, ~5pm EST.
  3. Prompts will run Sep-Nov,Jan-Mar, 6 in total.
  4. Blocks are due by/at the June event for the final draw of each prompt.
  5. You can skip a month or come back to a month.
  6. When handing in blocks, include any useable scraps for the winner.
  7. You must be present at the June event in order to grab your tickets for each block submission - 1 ticket per traditional block and 1 ticket per modern block. That being said, yes your friend can grab tickets on your behalf 👍.

So how does this work? BONUS

#challengeaccepted but you don’t have these colours in your stash? We can help!

Drop by the front table to grab (we'll sort out logistics for Jan-Mar by the Dec event):

★A fat quarter or a fat eighth.
★A charm square if you are looking to compare colours to your stash.

*Quantities are limited, please only grab some fabric if you are #willingtotry. If  you should change your mind, please bring the fabric back for someone else to try/provide for the winner of the blocks.

Extra! Extra! Tickets and a prize draw at each meeting for any blocks submitted.


Q: What if I want to participate but I don’t want to use the colour prompts?
A: You can participate by making the blocks and using your own colours to make a sampler for yourself this way you're still participating which all we ask for 😊👍.
Q: What if I don’t like that month’s prompt?
A: Skip it and try the next one #nopressure.
Q: What if nobody wants tickets for a certain month? 
A: We can make a charity quilt with any unloved blocks #winwin.

If you have any further questions, PLEASE ASK.  Email

Need help with a 1/4" seam?  Check out this great video by Tiny Orchard Quilts, "The Easy Way to Get PERFECT 1/4" Seam Allowances! Improve your Accuracy and Stop Losing Your Points".

Onto your modern take on this block...

Let's start #MakingNewRules.

Who says only certain colours can go together?

Who says there are only certain modern quilting elements?
(Ok, probably the actual quilt police…)

Try a new colour.  Try a new technique.

Make.  New.  Rules.

So.  Are you ready to #giveitatry?

Share to Instagram and tag @ottmqg with #ottmqgvpchallenge.

You can also add:

Not on Instagram?  Email Sam at

***See any issues or have any questions, please tell me!

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