
Monday 22 April 2024

April Block of the Month

 Tulip Time!

This month’s block has nothing to do with the number 10.  To celebrate spring, we’re taking a break from our regularly scheduled Tenth Anniversary Block of the Month programming to celebrate an iconic spring bulb here in Ottawa, the tulip! Based on the Amsterdam Quilt, a free project from Cloud Nine Fabrics, we’ll make super sized, scrappy blooms.


For the tulips - two different main fabrics (prints or solids) in the same warm colour (yellow, orange, red, peach or pink)

For the leaves - green print or solid

For the stem - a different green print or solid

For the background - white solid

Cutting instructions 

Tulip Top

2 - 4.5” squares from one main fabric

2 - 2.5” squares white

Tulip Bottom

1 - 4.5” x 8.5” rectangle in second main fabric

2 - 2” squares white


2 - 5” squares green print or solid

2 - 5” squares white


1 - 1” x 8” rectangle in a different green print or solid than the leaves

Assembly instructions


Mark a diagonal line from corner to corner on each white background square. Place in one corner of each 4.5” square.

Stitch along diagonal lines. Trim seam allowance to ¼" and press towards corner. 

Sew Tulip Top blocks together and press. 


Mark a diagonal line from corner to corner on each white background square. Place in bottom corners of the rectangle.

Stitch along diagonal lines. Trim seam allowance to ¼" and press towards corners. 

3. Sew Tulip Bottom to Tulip Top and press. 


To make Half Square Triangles (HSTs) - 

Mark a diagonal line from corner to corner on each white background square. 

With right sides together, make pairs of green and white squares. Sew ¼" from each side of marked line. 

Cut each block in two along marked line to yield four units.

Press to make four HST blocks. 

Trim blocks to 4.25" square. 

5. Arrange HSTs to form a Left Leaf and a Right Leaf.

Sew and press.

Sew Left and Right Leaf blocks to Stem and press. 

6. Sew Leaf & Stem Block to Tulip block and press. 

Your giant tulip block is done!  It should measure 8.5”x16”.