By the miracle of the internet Canadian Modern Quilting Guilds have collected together to share experiences and information. While doing so they figured out that we all love BLOCK LOTTO'S!
First watch this video:
Download the pattern:

So here is your Canadian MQG 2018 Block Lotto Challenge:
"Wedges as Topography"
This block was designed by Adrienne Van Halem @agentpeachquilts . It uses a 'wedge' to represent a modern landscape. 'Topography' is the study of the surface of the earth, including natural features like mountains and rivers plus man-made features like buildings and roads.It can be simple or complex.
The wedges can be horizontal or vertical, or both, or in any direction.
Dates: This block was released at the October meeting andwill be collected at the November Meeting (Nov 26)
Colours: Use solid colours AND include some white (a bright white) somewhere in your block.
Size: 9" finished (9.5" unfinished)
Part of the fun in doing a cross-country block is that we can see what everyone is doing!!!- Share on Instagram using the hashtags #cdnmqgblocklotto2019 #wedgesastopography #calmqgblocklotto
- Share on Facebook on Modern Quilting in Canada, Canadian Modern Quilters, and Ottawa Modern Quilt Guild
- blocks shared on Instagram by Nov 26th will be entered into a draw for a prize!
The Usual Rules
This block lotto will still run just like any of our other in-guild lottos - bring your entries to the meeting, and we'll draw one or more winners to take home the blocks... etc...